
Dynavap Ti Vong-S

$158.33 $131.94

The DynaVap range of vaporizers are just about the simplest vaporizer on the planet right now and they still provide an amazing experience with massive flavor and the give you the ability to get huge hits in seconds. The conduction style vaporization is achieved by using an analogue heat source like a torch to warm up the chamber at the end.


The DynaVap range of vaporizers are just about the simplest vaporizer on the planet right now and they still provide an amazing experience with massive flavor and the give you the ability to get huge hits in seconds. The conduction style vaporization is achieved by using an analogue heat source like a torch to warm up the chamber at the end. It is so efficient that it doesn’t have to be a torch even. You can use a normal lighter, a candle, a burning stick or anything that prodcues a flame. Once it has reached full temperature you hear a loud click which lets you know to stop heating and start vaping. The Vong versions are designed specifically to be able to also fit straight into any 14mm female water pipe joint. If you want extreme subtlety combined with savage vapor production and a great hit then this DynaVap is the one for you.